Harrow everybody!
>>>>>>A flashback<<<<<<
The first time I ever came to luton John and I were attending a Uni Open Day. After I had gone up to fitz college to wake John we missed the bus which was a shame. However we were saved by a nice man at the rail station who told us to get a train to hitchin and then some local buses from there. The real crux of the story is that when we got into luton we went for a dirty great fry-up in the market hall at the end of the arndale.
On monday 4th sept 2006, my first day of living in luton I achieved a pleasing element of symmetry by once again taking breakfast from the market hall at the end of the arndale. A bacon bap and a cup of tea is a nice way to begin living here.
I am now living in Luton and that is nice. However I am missing two elements of a "normal" existence. I ain't secured a job and i ain't secured a house.
There was a major dip in hope on monday when I phoned up the Borough Council who I had applied to work for and they said I didnt get an interview. Well that rocked me considerably because I had a fair amount of hope for getting the job and wanted it as well. I am not saying I have entirely dealt with the disappointment but Liz pointed out the fact that "You've only been rejected by
one job!". Well done Liz. Bravo.
Also on monday I phoned up various letting agents to enquire about their properties and the general theme was that either the houses had already been let or their customer service was poor or both. This left me feeling despondant.
Today I am feeling positive because a letting agent just showed me round some nice houses and the service was quality. I also went into a few employment agencies and the permanent sections seemed like they might be able to get me a job.
In other news Liz and I went to see the sentinel at the flicks. It is a good film about the secret service protecting the US president and it made me want to be a spy and shoot bad guys.