
In 2006 we are going to plant a church. In Luton.
Who are we? Well, there's me (Gav) and a few friends: Mark, Liz, John, Ruth, Laura and Fiona... and others - although the year will reveal them to us. Most of us won't move to Luton until the summer, but new year seemed the best time to begin blogging. We know there are quite a few people who are interested in our progress, and as such, blogging seemed a much better idea than one of emailing regularly(!) or doing a quaint little newsletter.
Over the next twelve months, you'll find out lots of stuff, as we find it out. Some things that will hopefully come through include why luton is so great, how friendship is hard, how pioneering is exhausting, how broken people can change the world.
So happy new year 2006, and we raise a glass to a new missional community - City Life Church Luton.
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